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Epe Lagos – 10 Reasons Why You should Invest in 2024

    According to Newwinerealty, Epe properties have high appreciation rates and a value of 90% – 100%.

    This means, if you invest 5 million you are likely to generate a return of 15 million and above in a few years.

    I guess that’s a lot of returns in terms of investment.


    Well, as an experienced real estate agent, I have always been intrigued by the dynamic and ever-evolving real estate market in Lagos, Nigeria.

    In recent years, one area that has caught my attention is the rapidly growing Epe region.

    In this article, I will delve into the key benefits of investing in real estate in Epe, Lagos, and why it should be on the radar of savvy investors like you.

    Introduction to Epe, Lagos

    Epe, located in the eastern part of Lagos.

    It is a vibrant and rapidly developing region that has been garnering significant attention from both local and international investors.

    Not just that, it boasts of a strategic location.

    This location is situated along the Lagos Lagoon, providing easy access to the bustling commercial center of Lagos and the rest of the country.

    With a growing population and a thriving economy…

    Epe has become a hub for various industries, including agriculture, tourism, and, most importantly, real estate.

    Why Invest in Real Estate?

    Before delving into the specific benefits of investing in Epe, it’s essential to understand the broader appeal of real estate as an investment asset.

    No doubt…

    Real estate has long been recognized as a reliable and stable investment option…

    Which offers investors the potential for steady returns, capital appreciation, and diversification within their investment portfolios.

    Unlike more volatile financial instruments…

    Real estate investments tend to be less susceptible to short-term market fluctuations.

    Making them an attractive choice for investors seeking long-term wealth creation.

    Overview of the Real Estate Market in Epe, Lagos

    The real estate market in Epe, Lagos, has been experiencing a remarkable surge in recent years.

    As the population of Lagos continues to grow, the demand for housing, commercial spaces, and infrastructure has skyrocketed.

    Epe, with its strategic location and abundance of undeveloped land, has become a prime destination for real estate investors.

    The region’s proximity to the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, the ongoing construction of the Lekki-Epe Expressway.

    And the development of the Lekki Free Trade Zone have all contributed to the increased interest in Epe’s real estate market.

    Key Benefits of Investing in Real Estate in Epe, Lagos

    Now, let’s explore the five key benefits of investing in real estate in Epe, Lagos:

    High Return on Investment (ROI)

    One of the primary reasons why Epe is an attractive investment destination is the potential for high returns on investment.

    The region’s rapidly growing population, coupled with the limited supply of available properties, has led to a significant appreciation in property values.

    Investors who have recognized this trend and invested in Epe’s real estate market have enjoyed impressive returns on their investments, often outpacing the performance of other investment options.

    Potential for Capital Appreciation

    In addition to the high ROI, investing in real estate in Epe also offers the potential for substantial capital appreciation.

    As the region continues to develop and attract more businesses and residents.

    The demand for properties is expected to increase, driving up property prices over time.

    This capital appreciation can provide investors with a significant boost to their overall wealth, making Epe a compelling long-term investment destination.

    Growing Demand for Properties in Epe, Lagos

    The rapid population growth and economic development in this location have led to a surge in the demand for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

    This growing demand, coupled with the limited supply of available properties, has created a favorable market environment for real estate investors.

    Whether you’re looking to invest in residential properties, commercial spaces, or land for development, the Epe real estate market offers ample opportunities to capitalize on this increasing demand.

    Epe as a Strategic Location for Real Estate Investment

    Epe’s strategic location within the Lagos metropolitan area is a significant advantage for real estate investors.

    The region’s proximity to the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway and the ongoing construction of the Lekki-Epe Expressway have made it more accessible and connected to the rest of Lagos.

    Additionally, the development of the Lekki Free Trade Zone.

    Which is situated in close proximity to Epe, has further enhanced the region’s appeal as a prime investment destination.

    Investors can capitalize on the increased economic activity and infrastructure development in the area, leading to higher returns on their investments.

    Infrastructure Development in Epe, Lagos

    The government of Lagos State has recognized the immense potential of Epe and has been actively investing in the region’s infrastructure development.

    From the construction of the Lekki-Epe Expressway to the ongoing development of the Lekki Free Trade Zone.

    Without exaggeration, this location is witnessing a significant influx of infrastructure projects that are improving connectivity, accessibility, and overall quality of life for residents and businesses.

    As an investor, you can benefit from these infrastructure improvements.

    Which can drive up property values and enhance the overall appeal of the Epe real estate market.

    Optimal Positioning

    According to the plan, Epe begins at the proposed international airport in the Aiyetoro/Abomity area of Ibeju Lekki.

    And extends to the northern part of Lekki Lagoon in the eastern part of Lagos state.

    This positioning makes it an advantageous spot for businesses seeking to tap into the abundant economic prospects offered by the Lagos market.

    Additionally, Epe serves as a connecting point for the Deep-Sea port and the Lekki Free Trade Zone.

    As a gateway city, Epe’s strong connectivity to other regions of the country makes it an ideal transit hub for those conducting business in neighboring states.

    The town of Epe has experienced significant socio-economic development due to its role as a gateway city.

    This makes it a favorable location for investments to thrive, making Epe a promising place to invest in.

    Efficient Transportation Infrastructure

    In addition to its desirable location, Epe is also known for its well-built road systems.

    It is widely acknowledged that a well-connected road network plays a vital role in the progress of a region, as it improves accessibility.

    This is precisely what Epe Roads provides, connecting to Ikorodu, Itokin, and Ijebu Ode.

    The well-developed road system in Epe highlights the significance of investing in the area as a foundation for generating wealth.

    Accelerated Industrialization

    Epe has experienced significant growth, making it a lucrative opportunity for savvy investors looking to quickly increase their investments.

    The area boasts the newly built International Airport, the renowned Alaro City, and various other developments.

    Epe is regarded as a crucial hub for industrial and commercial activities due to both current and planned developments.

    As a result, it presents an ideal environment for investments to flourish, making it a compelling reason to invest in Epe.

    Inexpensive Housing

    When it comes to reasons for investing in Epe, affordability is certainly something to take into account.

    For those who belong to the middle class and are seeking a peaceful and convenient area to invest in.

    Epe in Lagos State would be the perfect choice.

    In comparison to other areas in the state, the cost of labor in Epe is relatively lower.

    As a result, it offers a feasible option for individuals seeking cost-effective housing and enhanced standard of living.

    Due to its advantageous placement and contemporary facilities…

    Epe holds appeal for individuals seeking the advantages of city living without the accompanying stress or financial burden.

    As a result, Epe is a prime destination for profitable investments.

    Rapid Increase in Value

    When considering the reasons to invest in Epe, the significant appreciation, particularly in the real estate sector, stands out.

    Epe’s properties experience a substantial yearly increase in value, ranging from 90% to 100%.

    It is worth recalling that in the past.

    Individuals were entreated to put their money into the Lagos Island, which is now highly sought-after for investments.

    Those who heeded the call and invested are now singing praises about their wise decisions.

    Similarly, history seems to be repeating itself with the ongoing development in Epe town.

    Over the course of the next 3 to 5 years, the value of Epe lands is projected to triple from its current rate.

    For instance, a plot of land currently priced at 1 million Naira is expected to appreciate to a range of 3 to 5 million Naira in 2 years.

    This highlights the potential of real estate as the ideal investment choice for those considering investing in Epe.

    Increase in Population

    The population of Epe is continuously increasing, providing a growing and wide-ranging demand for products and services.

    This makes the area appealing for investors seeking to capitalize on the consumer base.

    Arid Terrain

    Epe is known for its dry terrain, unlike other areas such as Lekki and Ajah axis in Lagos, where heavy rainfall can cause flooding.

    This is an important factor to keep in mind when considering investment opportunities this location.

    Additionally, the cost of construction materials is relatively lower.

    Travel and Tourism

    The city of Epe is renowned for its stunning beaches and abundance of natural wonders.

    Including the Resort and Spa, Epe Mangrove Park, Lekki Conservation Centre, and Epe Marina.

    These attractions have contributed to its popularity as a tourist destination.

    With plenty of potential for investments in entertainment, hospitality, and leisure activities.

    Epe, with its numerous tourist spots.

    It is undeniably a desirable location for both domestic and international tourists, making it a prime destination for profitable investments.

    Availability of Land

    One of the factors that makes Epe an appealing location for investment is the abundance of available land.

    In contrast to other parts of Lagos, which is known as the commercial capital of Nigeria, where land is in short supply, this location still offers plenty of land for potential development.


    The Epe region of Lagos presents a compelling opportunity for real estate investors.

    With its strategic location, growing demand for properties, and ongoing infrastructure development.

    Epe offers a unique combination of factors that can unlock significant investment potential.

    By capitalizing on the key benefits outlined in this article.

    Savvy investors like you can position themselves to reap the rewards of this dynamic and rapidly evolving real estate market.

    The good news is, we have one of the most sought-after properties in Epe.

    This property is selling at an affordable price which will suits your taste.

    If you want more information about this property, you can get in touch with us here today.
